Benefits of Members Own Health Insurance


One of the most important things you can ever invest in is your health. Besides living a healthy lifestyle, you also need a health insurance plan. This could be a plan that puts profit before people’s interests and shareholder profits before the wellbeing of the insured – as it the case of commercial health insurance companies. On the other hand, you have the option of choosing a commercial health fund that treats you as a member and not a

health insurance

profit making entity.

The ideal health insurance plan is one that can deliver maximum benefits at the right value. Since different health insurance plans are unique in their own right, it is imperative to explore all available options before making any choice. Commercial health finds are often larger than those offered by non-profits. However, many other benefits are unique to the not-for-profit options. So here are some accrued to members own insurance plans.

Quality Customer Service

Members own health insurance funds are known for exceptional customer service. This has everything to do with their form of ownership and how they are run. Since the main reason behind them is to serve the members and not generate profits, you can be sure that the level of customer service offered is exceptional.

Better Coverage for Private Hospitals

The covering offered by the insurance company is often informed by the policy you choose. Commercial insurance plans are mostly associated with public hospitals. On the contrary, members own insurance plans are known to have more private hospitals agreements. This implies that choosing members owned health fund could help you get adequate cover in most private hospitals.

Financial Security

Most people opt to work with those big or well-known funds citing security reasons. In the case of health insurance, even smaller members own funds tend to be equally secure considering that they are all governed by the same rules. Ideally, bigger is not essentially safer, and you might be surprised to realize that members own health funds better than big insurance providers.

holding benefitsMore Benefits

The fact that members own health funds are not run for profit reasons means that members have a lot to enjoy. Instead of operating these funds for profit reasons, they are inclined to ensure the interests of their needy members are catered for.…